
How we inscribe our experiments onchain


Provenance refers to the traceable history of an ordinal's ownership and transactions. Bitcoin ordinals are unique identifiers assigned to individual satoshis (the smallest unit of Bitcoin), which can then be tracked as they move through the Bitcoin network. Provenance ensures that each ordinal has a verifiable record, including information about its creation, past transactions, and ownership changes.

Sequential Sats

Thanks to our friends at Chisel.xyz we were able to inscribe our sats sequentially!

This means that if you look at the sats onchain they will follow in chronological order for the range of sats associated with the collection inscriptions.

For example, we can inscribe each sat such that Inscription #1 of a collection will go on the first sat, inscription #2 on the second sat and so on.

Example image showing sequential sats for Experiment 9

Sat Range: 45585331983 - 45585332403


The below diagrams showcase the current collection provenance for Experiment 9 (E9).

Last updated